Showing posts with label Computers and Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computers and Internet. Show all posts

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Controlling the Human Element of Security
 William L. Simon
Foreword by Steve Wozniak

Mitnick is the most famous computer hacker in the world. Since his first arrest in 1981, at age 17, he has spent nearly half his adult life either in prison or as a fugitive. He has been the subject of three books and his alleged 1982 hack into NORAD inspired the movie War Games. Since his plea-bargain release in 2000, he says he has reformed and is devoting his talents to helping computer security. It's not clear whether this book is a means toward that end or a, wink-wink, fictionalized account of his exploits, with his name changed to protect his parole terms. Either way, it's a tour de force, a series of tales of how some old-fashioned blarney and high-tech skills can pry any information from anyone. As entertainment, it's like reading the climaxes of a dozen complex thrillers, one after the other. As a security education, it's a great series of cautionary tales; however, the advice to employees not to give anyone their passwords is bland compared to the depth and energy of Mitnick's descriptions of how he actually hacked into systems. As a manual for a would-be hacker, it's dated and nonspecific better stuff is available on the Internet but it teaches the timeless spirit of the hack. Between the lines, a portrait emerges of the old-fashioned hacker stereotype: a socially challenged, obsessive loser addicted to an intoxicating sense of power that comes only from stalking and spying.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Layer 2 Analysis of WLAN Discovery Applications for Intrusion Detection


Wireless LAN discovery through the use of applications such as NetStumbler, DStumbler,
Wellenreiter and others is an increasingly popular technique for network penetration. The discovery of a wireless LAN might be used for seemingly innocuous Internet access, or to be used as a “backdoor” into a network to stage an attack. This paper reviews some of the tactics used in wireless LAN network discovery and attempts to identify some of the fingerprints left by wireless LAN discovery applications, focusing on the MAC and LLC layers. This fingerprint information can then be incorporated into intrusion detection tools capable of analyzing data-link layer traffic.


PAY NO FINE – A User Guide to Successfully Fighting Traffic Tickets

PAY NO FINE – A User Guide to Successfully Fighting Traffic Tickets

Welcome to PAYNOFINE’S User Guide to Successfully Fighting Traffic Tickets. Since you are reading this, it can be presumed that you are one of the approximately 35 million people who received a traffic ticket this year. That actually breaks down to about 100,000 tickets a day! Our hope is that you will be one of the small and silent minority who successfully fight the system each year.
